Does Sugar Cause Diabetes? Know What Makes Sugar The Villain

[ad_1] A person disgnosed with diabetes is often referred to (especially in India) as someone who has ‘sugar’, or ‘sugar ki bimari’. This likely stems from the connection between diabetes and elevated blood sugar levels. Often, out of fear that eating sweetmeats may give them diabetes, even healthy and non-diabetic people too prefer to give … Read more

Is Sugar More Addictive Than Cocaine? Doctors Explain Why Less Is Better

[ad_1] Our relationship with sugar begins fairly early in life. Chocolates, cakes, and ice creams are rewards or treats. Colas, processed foods like pastries, and pizzas follow and the love affair with sugar strengthens. As adults, we find that our brains still perceive sugar as beneficial, and huge amounts of the “feel-good” hormone dopamine are … Read more